Contract: 0x3B855f01235dc7D1B57874E176c137df3C110145

Based Fart Dust

"Mystical farts that might just change the world. Or not."

Current Price


*Price accuracy guaranteed to be as reliable as unicorn farts

Launch Info


Fair Launch on Moonshot

  • ✨ No pre-sale, no VCs, no BS
  • 🔒 Liquidity locked so hard even we can't rug
  • 💨 Trade freely (like your farts)

Wen Moon?

At 25 ETH market cap
Migration to Uniswap

Time to let it rip 💨


100% Useless

Finally, a token as useful as your dad's jokes!

Magical Tokenomics

1 billion tokens, because we're not greedy (just gassy)


Community Driven

The community decides everything! (But there is no community yet, just like your social life)


Total Supply

1 Billion

One billion tokens (more than your lifetime fart count)

Dev Wallet


Nice. Blaze it. 🔥

Initial Liquidity


The rest is yours (if you're brave enough)

Platform Fee


Gotta pay the gas man 💨

Anonymous Team


Anonymous Chad

Chief Fart Officer (CFO)
"I've smelt what's coming"


Ghost Dev

Lead Gas Engineer
"Silent but deadly"


Wizard Anon

Tokenomics Magician
"Making tokens disappear since 2024"

Roadmap to Nowhere

Phase 1

Make website ✓
(You're here, congrats)

Phase 2

Convince people it's valuable
(You're being convinced rn)

Phase 3

??? 🤔
(We'll figure it out later)

Phase 4

Profit! 🚀
(Or blame the devs)